Best Buy Saucony Men's Hurricane 15 Running Shoe,Silver/Red/Black,10 M US
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The Hurricane is now even lighter, taking premium stability and cushioning to the next level. Great for runners who tend to overpronate, this sleek and light running shoe gives a huge amount of cushioned stability; essential for regular runners.This shoe combines traditional stability with the feel of a flexible, lightweight trainer. The upper now has a Support Frame; a heel-locking feature that provides a secure, stable fit.The upper features Sauc-Fit; a unique system in the upper that not only locks the midfoot onto the platform but also keeps the heel secure and comfortable. The HRC Strobel Board increases cushioning and step-in comfort, a quality only enhanced by the Comfortride memory foam used in the sockliner and footbed.The use of Impact Interface and the SRC Impact Zone ensure that any unwanted vibrations are dampened and that shock is dissipated, allowing the foot to prepare for a smooth transition. PowerGrid with PowerFoam utilises innovative Powerfoam with the industry accl
Saucony Men's Hurricane 15 Running Shoe,Silver/Red/Black,10 M US
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- Saucony
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