Special Offers FloLight Microbeam 128, Ultra Bright 5600K LED On-Camera Video Light, with Sony NP Battery Mount - Black
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High output compact LED light, 100W hot box equivalent output. 5600K with 5 filters included. Models available for Canon, JVC, Panasonic and Sony batteries. Lasts over 6 hours on a large camera battery.
FloLight Microbeam 128, Ultra Bright 5600K LED On-Camera Video Light, with Sony NP Battery Mount - Black
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Product Features:
- 128 Ultra Bright 5600K LED's
- External DC input 7-16v DC
- Full dimming via dimmer knob on back of unit
- Runs for hours on standard Lion camera batteries
- Rugged aluminum case
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*** FloLight Microbeam 128, Ultra Bright 5600K LED On-Camera Video Light, with Sony NP Battery Mount - Black Reviews,

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